Shared Values
About Us
We, the educators of Cullman City Schools, are committed to using essential elements of effective instruction that we value in our classrooms as we "inspire students for lifelong success through character, citizenship, and scholarship." All students will engage in daily success-oriented lessons that are developed and delivered using the following principles:
- Every lesson is standards-based and designed so all students can meet or exceed the required standards.
- Every lesson will begin with purposeful planning which will require clear outcomes, complex reasoning, planning, and creative thinking.
- Every lesson will focus on rigor, relevance, and relationships.
By The Numbers
Approximate Student Enrollment
Full Time Employees
National Board Certified Teachers
Graduation Rate
ALSDE State Report Card Grade
Team & Individual AHSAA State Championships in Last Decade
Annual Academic Growth (as Reported by the ALSDE)
Meals Served Annually
Cullman City Schools Spotlight
Cullman City Schools provide outstanding academic and extracurricular opportunities for our students. We hold high expectations for all students and strive to cultivate an environment of mutual respect and responsibility.
We understand the value of activities beyond the walls of the classroom.
Cullman City School System has already launched the first phases of its Capital Improvement Plan. More improvements are on the horizon.
Our Career & Technical Education program provides numerous opportunities for students to prepare for careers in the future.
Developing creative and expressive students is important. Cullman City Schools offers many opportunities for our students to develop these characteristics.
We encourage and reward National Board Certification of our teachers.
CCS STEM Education is a powerful part of our curriculum.