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Statement of Shared Values

We, the educators of Cullman City Schools, are committed to using essential elements of effective instruction that we value in our classrooms as we "inspire students for lifelong success through character, citizenship, and scholarship." All students will engage in daily success-oriented lessons that are developed and delivered using the following principles:

  • Every lesson is standards-based and designed so all students can meet or exceed the required standards.
  • Every lesson will begin with purposeful planning which will require clear outcomes, complex reasoning, planning, and creative thinking.
  • Every lesson will focus on rigor, relevance, and relationships.

Students will be afforded:

  • Well -organized classrooms with structures and routines in place
  •  Lessons which have a clear beginning, middle, and end
  •  Differentiation through content, product, and process
  • Teacher commentary and feedback which is timely and specific  
  • Time for collaboration and reflection
  • Relevant vocabulary developed explicitly and within the content
  • Technology to enhance and extend their learning
  • Engaging activities at all levels of Bloom's Taxonomy and Webb's Depth of Knowledge
  • Opportunities to apply their knowledge towards complex solutions

Our environment will be built on:

  •  Mutual respect and responsibility
  •  High expectations for all students
  •  Safety, procedures, and established routines
  •  Evidence of student work that reflects the standards

Our relationship with our community is based on:

  • Trust
  • Being inviting and welcoming
  • Shared responsibility for ongoing student success
  • Communication that is open, clear, and consistent